Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I've edited the settings on my blog so ANYONE can leave a comment. You dont have to create an account this way. What you do is: Write your comment in the box, and below the comment box there is a a line that says "Comment as:" then there is a drop down arrow. Click the arrow and all the way at the bottom is says anonymous. Choose that and you should be able to post a comment, if you would like to. [please just put you name at the end of the comment so I know who it is from =)]

Thank you

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah Jane, Glad life is exciting there cause zip is going on here. If I wanted to send news I would have to make it up, which would be kind of fun actually. Yup, next time I post I think I will make up juicy stories about non-existent people doing outrageous things right here in our own neighborhood. You'll be shocked, shocked I tell you!

    Or I could just cut and paste the front page of the Wall Street Journal. That's been pretty shocking and no need to change the names to protect the innocent because all the scurrilous dogs are guilty.

    Love ya, have fun on Spring Break. Z
