GUESS WHAT I DID ON SATURDAY?!?! Went bungee jumping!!! Me and three other girls left Thessaloniki around 11 Friday night to head to the bus station. From there the bus took us to Athens [6 hour bus ride…ugh!]. Then when we reached Athens we waited a couple hours, since the bungee place didn’t open until 10:30 am, then we took a bus from Athens to the Corinth Canal. Once there we checked in with the Bungee company and they said they would need about 15 minutes so we walked over to the canal to check it out. It was deep but awesome! We all took a couple of pictures
and went to a little shop and bought some post cards then headed back to sign some papers for the jump. After we filled out the papers we were weighed and then we were harnessed up.
Finally we were off to the jump sight. There were 7 of us total that were there. After we got there 3 other guys showed up [two French men and a Greek]. They all went first, which was nice because they had done it before and it was just nice to see a couple of other people go before us. They made it look super easy and then it was our turn. Lea went first, then Sam, then me and finally Britney. Lea went like she had done it 80 times, no hesitation. Sam hesitated and said a prayer first [haha]. I had to gather my thoughts but made myself go before I talked myself out of it. And Britney went right away, too, and she was also the only one of us to touch the water [besides one of the French men]. So, for a breakdown of my jump. I went under the bar into the ‘jump area’.

I was strapped to the rail, so no accidents happened, and the bungee cord was attached to me. Then they added another rope to me that attaches to your harness and your feet and it keeps you upside down throughout your jump and then when instructed you pull a cord that flips you over so you can be brought up.

Anyways, they attached it to my harness then moved me closer to where I would jump from and attached it to the ankle braces on me feet. They explained the proper way to jump and gave me a few more instructions. After that I was unclipped from the strap tied to the edge. Now I was moved closer to the edge, I was a little hesitant I’m not going to lie, and the bungee cord was lowered so that none of it was laying on the edge and that thing was SO HEAVY! I thought it was just going to pull me right off. So then it was time, I took a second to collect myself,

then I raised my arms, and the instructor started counting down with everyone 5…4…3…2…1…Jump! And I jumped!

Falling, falling, falling, falling, and there was the water

but I stopped about 2 feet short [oh man] and up and up and up I went.

It was an amazing experience the distance you bounce is AMAZING! Then I was just bouncing,upside down.

I was instructed to pull the cord that flipped me back over and I was just bouncing in the middle of the canal just checking things out.

Then they lowered a cable that you attached to your harness so that they could bring you up. Once I jumped I already knew I’d want to do it again! It was so fun! After Britney jumped we went back to the shop, picked out our t-shirts, and waited for them to copy the video for us. We sat around chatting with the instructors and other people that worked there for awhile and signed the wall.
They were so nice. When our videos were done we watched it right away. It was cool to relive the moment [which I did again when I got home and about 3 times today =) ]. Then we ate, we thought it best to wait until after we jumped to do this, and headed back to Thessaloniki. It was a great day! And another wonderful thing to add to the other list of amazing things I’ve been able to do while abroad. I hope you enjoy the pictures, I couldn't get the video to load so you'll have to wait until I get home to see it :).

Oh my Sarah that is scary but way to go girl!! We are so happy that you have gotten to see and do all and am enjoying the pictures and stories you been posting - stay safe - love ya and see ya soon.. :) Gram & Gramp