this is my brithday cake...haha... u can see the candle/lighter behind the amazing nutella and banana crepe i got! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
As most [well probably all] of u know that I celebrated my 21st birthday on Saturday. I just want to take a moment and say....
1. Thanks Grams for the happy birthday! and posting comments on my blog it nice to hear from people at home! =)
2. Thanks to u too Derek. Yeah there are soccer jerseys GALORE here. Is there a certain team/number u want and what size would u like. I saw a store where they were like 5 eruo so if you want me to, i can get a couple
3. Thanks mom and dad for calling me at 2:30 am =) [i'll return the favor ;) just kidding it was great to hear from u...i was beginning to think u forgot it was my b-day]
ok now that thats out of the way...lets see what to talk about...hmmm!
While here I've been having some CRAZY dreams while I've been here.
1. Nikki Died .... SUPER SCARY
2. Got punched in the face by Shane ?!?!?!
3. Aylah could walk and Garret was cute as a button
4. I was apparently deaf because i could only see what was going on and not hear it
You get the picture...just wierd things.
I dont know if you remeber [or if i told you] but we have to turn the hot water heater on about 10 to 20 min before we take a shower. Well Lately [and i mean like almost since we've gotten here] at around 7 ish in the morning our hot water heater/sink starts to sing us a little tune [and by sing i mean it sounds like a prehistoric dying animal] You know somtimes when u turn a faucet off and there is a random high pitched sound....yeah its that sound but for like 10 seconds at a time! its horrible...if you get up and turn the water on for a little bit it usually helps but i'm hoping that maybe one day i'll be so used to it that it doesn't wake me up anymore!
School has been pretty good. Nothing is really differet. I have my first test of the semster on Friday already [ewwww] but you know...
For my birthday we went to a taverna and then just out to a couple different places. It was would have been great to have been able to see family and some of my other friends, but we made due and had fun.
thats about it...there really isn't much that has changed in my life. I'm pretty used to Thessaloniki and now that school has started we dont have as much time to explore but we do have a long weekend coming up so we might end up goiong somewhere here in Greece. I'll keep you posted.
Thanks for Reading!!!!
love you and miss you

The Girls that went out...Dewey is taking the picture...but he came with too! =)

Me and my Roomie Stephania... couldn't ask for a cool/more amazing roomie!
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