After touring the campus we returned a second day to sit in the small room and be talked at some more. Things like computers and english and dealing with emotions that come with studying abroad. We were able to ask questions about Greek life [that was nice because there are certain things that are different in each country. Example: they don't/cant flush their toilet paper here in Greece. Also you know when crossing the street and a car stops for you, so while crossing the street you raise your had as to say thank you?!?! that is offensive here in Greece. It's like giving someone the finger in the US] Following lunch with the president of the school we went to our next session entitled Survival Greek. The Greek teacher came and taught us some everyday words that could help us communicate with the locals. after this activity we rode the bus to the middle of town and were dropped off for a scavenger hunt [at first we kind of groaned about it but we got to see the city... here is some Thessaloniki History!
This is Agious Dimitrios, the first church was built on top of an old Roman public bath. Its dedicated to the patron saint of Thessaloniki, St. Demetrious.

This is a shot looking up Aristotle Square to the city. There are shops lining this sqare on the right and left. They are all of the first floor and the other floors are all apt. buildings.
After the scavenger hunt we went to see a "rock band". They sang American Classic Rock [in English because there aren't very many Greek Rock Bands] which was nice because it reminded me of home.
Today we set out for Vergina [said like Ver-hei-na]. Its the sight of King Phillip II tomb. It was discovered by a professor and was perfectly intact [no one had broken in and stolen anything] The tomb's door was still sealed and we of course were not allowed in nor were we allowed to take any pictures in the museum. It was beautiful and they were able to recover alot of pieces [gold crowns, gold wreathes, swards, bronze jewelry and dishes, a beautiful painting, the ivory and glass pieces that were put in the bed frames put in the tombs, and the boxes the bones were kept in]. The dead were cremated and their remaining bones were put in boxes, Phillip II and the wife buried with him had gold boxes. It was awesome to see all of these pieces because they were from the 3rd and 4th century BC. They've been around a long time, just chilling under the ground waiting to be discovered and now they are perfectly preserved.
After the tour we went to a local taverna and ate. They served us pasta, salad, pork steak potatoes and rice, and dessert [theres ALWAYS dessert]. By the time we were done we were stuffed. We left Vergina and headed back to Thessaloniki to take a tour of the city with a tour guide. She showed us remains that are around Thessaloniki and told us what they used to be. Thessaloniki used to have a wall around it and some pieces of the wall are still standing. We followed the wall up to the point were the city stopped. They stopped so we could get out to take a look at mostly the ENTIRE city of Thessaloiki. Here are some pictures and video if I can get it to work =) I took a video because I couldn't fit the entire shot into one screen! The video may be at the end of this blog [I hope it works for you because its breath taking]. The church were the shot starts is the official Church of the Apostle Paul.

Wall Again...
Then tonight the school took us to ANOTHER taverna where they gave us SO much food. I was sad because we couldn't eat it. We tried a little bit of everything but there was just SO much food. We had bread [always], salad [again always], fried zucchini, mozzarella sticks, some hot feta with peppers, pork souvlaki, and chicken with potatoes and veggies, and DESSERT [that was really good] it was fried dough with syrup [they like to use syrup on their desserts] and ice cream [their ice cream tastes funny tho!]. Then Britney, Annie, Steph and I took a walk and walked down by the Aegean. We found a really cool fountain and the statue of Alexander the Great [King Phillip II son]. Also some history for you... The city is named after Alexander the Greats half sister Thessaloniki.

Video that over looks Thessaloniki. Above is Annie, myself, Dewey, Britney, and my roomate Stephani looking out at the Agean sea.
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ReplyDeletethat guy was totally spamming you. haha
ReplyDeletetoday was so much fun!
Hey Sarah - great pictures and the video worked fine..what a sight :)you are doing a good job of telling us about your adventure's .. sounds like you will have to do a lot of walking to burn off calories from all that wonderful food.. Love and Hugs Grandma
ReplyDeleteSarah - looks breathtaking - enjoy your adventure Aunt LaVonne/Uncle Doug
ReplyDeleteWe have the walking thing in check. We walk towards downtown all the time to see whats what and then hail a cab to take us the rest of the way! Glad ur enjoying the blog, I'm having fun making it!